
Gamified Real-Time Call Coaching Platform

Ragebite created the visual design for CallBlitz, integrating gamification into a modern, real-time call coaching platform interface for sales teams.

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// 2022
UI/UX Design
Marketing landing page
2D/3D Icons

Reimagining Cold Calling Training Visuals Through Gamification

CallBlitz founders approached Ragebite to design a unique Real-Time Call Coaching Platform, leveraging our expertise in creating gamified interactive experiences. Ragebite took on the entire visual design process, from initial concepts to final UI designs. The goal was to create visuals unprecedented in the cold-calling industry by incorporating gamification and game-like elements. This approach aimed to make the platform's interface more engaging and motivating for sales teams.

2017Founding year
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// Technologies used (使用されている技術)

Ragebite utilized Figma's collaborative features to create and iterate on designs in real-time with the CallBlitz team. The platform's complex UI components were built using Figma's auto-layout and component features, ensuring consistency across the design. Interactive prototypes were developed using Figma's prototyping tools, allowing for realistic simulations of user flows and animations.

// Core feature

Ragebite's design for CallBlitz incorporates visual elements to enhance cold calling training and performance. By integrating gamification elements into the interface, the platform's design makes the learning process more visually engaging for sales teams.


Cold Calling Training

Interactive modules and simulations to improve cold calling skills in a low-pressure environment.

real time

Real-Time Feedback

Instant performance analysis and coaching tips during live calls to enhance learning and performance.


Dialer Integration

Seamless connection with existing dialer systems for a smooth transition between training and real-world application.


Zoom API Integration

Integration with Zoom for easy setup of training sessions and real-time coaching calls.

ranked calls

Ranked Calls

Gamified ranking system to motivate sales teams and track improvement over time.


Dedicated Sales Teams

Tools for managing and training specific sales teams, allowing for personalized coaching and goal-setting.


Gamification Elements

Game-like features such as points, levels, and achievements to increase engagement and motivation.


Performance Analytics

Comprehensive data analysis tools to track individual and team progress over time.

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// Gamified User Interface

Ragebite designed a unique interface that incorporates game-like elements, making cold calling training more engaging and visually appealing.

// Modern Visual Aesthetic

The design features dark backgrounds with vibrant accent colors, creating a contemporary look that stands out in the cold-calling industry.

// Interactive Design Elements

Incorporation of dynamic visual components that respond to user actions, enhancing the overall user experience and engagement.

// Consistent Brand Identity

Development of a cohesive visual language across the platform, reinforcing CallBlitz's brand and making the interface instantly recognizable.

// A word from our partner

“The platform looked the way we imagined it. We gave our ideas and rough mock ups to their team, they asked us for some inputs on style and colors, 
and they built the designs out.”

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Jack Knight
Founder & CEO @CallBlitz


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