
Campaign Management Tool for Marketing Agencies

A campaign management tool for marketing agencies in the gaming industry. It integrates brand, influencer, and talent management into a single platform, streamlining the process of creating, executing, and analyzing influencer marketing campaigns.

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// 2023 - Ongoing
UI/UX Design
Logo design
API integration
Cloud infrastructure
Maintenance and support

Bridging the Gap Between Gaming Brands and Digital Influencers

Kaizen is a campaign management platform for marketing agencies working with gaming brands and influencers. It provides tools for campaign creation, influencer selection, and performance tracking. The platform integrates with YouTube and Twitch APIs to collect data on metrics such as CPC, CPM, views, and budget spending. For relevant campaigns, Kaizen can also track game or app installs.

2017Founding year
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// Technologies used (使用されている技術)

Kaizen's frontend is built with ViteJS and React, using Redux for state management. The backend utilizes NestJS and Node.js, with GraphQL and Prisma for efficient data handling. We use PostgreSQL for data storage and Redis for caching. Firebase provides authentication services and hosts the frontend. The application is containerized with Docker and orchestrated by Kubernetes on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). This setup includes a CI/CD pipeline with Cloud Build, monitoring via Cloud Monitoring and Logging, and security measures through Cloud Security Command Center and IAM. The infrastructure also incorporates Cloud Load Balancing, Cloud CDN, and Cloud Storage, ensuring a scalable and reliable platform on Google Cloud.

// Core feature

Kaizen includes features for campaign management, influencer selection, performance tracking, and payment processing.


Campaign Creation and Management

Intuitive tools for brands to set up, launch, and monitor influencer campaigns. Includes customizable templates, scheduling options, and real-time campaign status updates.

influencer discovery

Influencer Discovery and Selection

Advanced search functionality with filters for audience demographics, engagement rates, and content niches. Allows brands to find and connect with suitable influencers.


Automated Performance Tracking

Real-time metrics dashboard pulling data from YouTube and Twitch APIs. Displays key performance indicators like CPC, CPM, views, and engagement rates for each campaign.


Budget Management

Comprehensive budget allocation and spending tracker. Provides detailed financial insights, including ROI calculations and cost breakdowns for each influencer and campaign.


Brand and Influencer Onboarding

Streamlined process to gather essential information from new brands and influencers. Includes customizable questionnaires and automatic profile creation.

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Multi-role Access Control

Flexible user roles for brands, admins, and influencers. Features personalized dashboards and access levels to ensure data security and relevant information display.


Secure Payment Integration

Stripe integration for seamless payments and automated invoice generation. Supports multiple currencies and provides detailed transaction history.

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// Data-Informed Campaign Management

Kaizen collects performance data from YouTube and Twitch to assist brands in managing their campaigns. This data helps brands assess campaign performance.

// Centralized Collaboration

Kaizen provides a single platform for brands, agencies, and influencers. Its design aims to reduce administrative tasks in campaign management.

// Agile Development Methodology

Kaizen was developed using an agile approach with two-week sprints. This iterative process allowed for continuous improvement and quick adaptation to changing requirements. We started with an MVP and created a roadmap for further feature development and design enhancements.

// Communication Channels

We maintain clear communication through multiple channels. Daily updates are shared via Discord, weekly changelogs are sent by email, and biweekly demo presentations showcase progress. Our team provides 24/7 monitoring to ensure smooth operations.

// Design in motion

The platform's visual style combines bold colors and clean lines, creating an engaging interface that appeals to younger audiences and gaming enthusiasts.

// A word from our partner

“They're a competent team with a good sense of our company's industry.”

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Lorenzo Andre
CEO & Founder @KaizenTalent


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