Accelerate Market Entry with RGBT Core

No need for years of development and excessive costs. With Ragebite's core, launch your digital product in 90 days. Avoid risks by choosing an MVP-first approach.



Speed Up Your Launch. No need for years of development. With Ragebite's core, you can launch your digital product in 90 days

Cost-Effective Development Avoid wasting money. Our streamlined approach ensures efficient use of resources, saving you both time and money.

MVP-First Approach. Don't risk your success by guessing. Our MVP-first strategy helps you validate your product early and iterate quickly.

From Idea to Release. Together, we transform your idea into a market-ready product, guiding you through every step of the development process.

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Partner with Ragebite to bootstrap your product development and launch in three months

// How we do it

Product Development Framework

Our architectural framework streamlines the development process, allowing us to bootstrap your digital product efficiently. Using predeveloped infrastructure, we integrate features seamlessly, reducing development time and costs. The RGBT Core provides a solid foundation, ensuring rapid iteration and scalability.

Kerwin Rant

Ragebite largely delivered on time and was great at taking on challenges as the project progressed.

Kerwin RantCEO & Founder @EliteGamingLive
// Zero-to-MVP Approach

From Concept to Launch with RGBT Core

Our proven approach transforms your ideas into market-ready products. With a structured process and continuous development, we ensure your product is ready for success from day one.


Product Discovery

Through our product discovery framework, we gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of the product vision and requirements.


Set Standards

Using agile methodology, we structure the development process into 2-week sprints. This iterative approach keeps you involved in development and ensures high quality.


MVP Delivery

Priority is delivering a functional MVP by using the RGBT Core’s infrastructure, we iterate quickly to develop functional product.


Product Scaling

After releasing the MVP to production, we start developing the roadmap and scaling the product further.

// FAQ


RGBT Core is a set of predeveloped features and infrastructure designed to accelerate the development process. It allows us to bootstrap your digital product and bring it to market in just 90 days.

Our product discovery framework involves detailed discussions and meetings to gain a thorough understanding of your product vision and requirements. This helps us establish a structured foundation for development.

We use an agile methodology that breaks the development process into 2-week sprints. This iterative approach keeps you engaged and ensures consistent high quality throughout the development cycle.

After launching the MVP to production, we continue with the development roadmap and scale the product further. We provide ongoing support and ensure your product remains scalable and up-to-date.

We set clear standards and guidelines at the beginning of the project and follow a structured development process. Each sprint includes testing and validation to ensure the product meets your requirements and maintains high quality.